Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Summer garden tour at home

Thalita roselilies have a pleasant fragrance. Just be prepared to dodge hungry bumblebees if you want a whiff.

Summer at home has its compensations. But honestly, I thought I would have more time to weed now. Cue derisive laughter. I just squint at the blooms instead.

Some 25 years ago, Sonja brought us a "shrubbery' as a housewarming present. It has stayed bought.

These lilies have been in the same pot since the lat 1990s. I just keep adding more dirt as needed.

Daylilies are so reliable. Bless them.
I have a bit of a clematis obsession. Can a gal have too many trellises? Don't answer that.
This guy so doesn't fit the color scheme. But he was here when we moved in, so he gets to stay.

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