Monday, February 19, 2018

Roasted garlic potato soup

This is a soup I like to make when we reach the Stygian gloom stage of winter. One bowl of comfort, coming up.

Roasted garlic potato soup
Adapted from Better Homes and Gardens, March 1996. Been making this one for longer than I thought.

4 medium potatoes (a mix of red and yellow looks nice)
1 large onion, peeled and coarsely chopped
2 teaspoons chopped fresh rosemary
1 head garlic
1 tablespoon or so olive oil
Salt and pepper
2 cups chicken broth or more, divided
1 tablespoon flour (optional)
1 cup cream or whole milk

Preheat oven to 400. Line rimmed baking sheet with parchment.

Peel 2 of the potatoes. Cut potatoes into chunks about the size you’d like to eat. Place peeled chunks on one end of the baking sheet and unpeeled chunks at the other, leaving a space in the middle. Place onions in the middle of the sheet. Sprinkle rosemary over the onions and potatoes. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. 

Score the top of a head of garlic just down from the top. Drizzle olive oil over potatoes, onions and garlic.

Roast for about 45 to 50 minutes until garlic is soft and potatoes are cooked and golden brown. Let cool slightly.

Place peeled half of potatoes in a food processor. Add half the onions. Squeeze roasted garlic and add to processor bowl along with flour and ¾ cup broth. Puree. You’ll wind up with a fairly thick sludge.

In a large pot, combine pureed mixture, remaining potatoes and onions, cream and remaining 1¼ cup broth. Stir well. Add more broth if needed to achieve desired consistency. Heat through. Serves 4 quite heartily.

Rating: Really tasty, Very thick and satisfying.

Note: To avoid gluten, you can omit the flour. It's slightly less thick, but perhaps that's not a bad thing.

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