Wednesday, August 2, 2017

Harvesting last year's tomatoes this year

Last fall, one of the herb pots we brought in to overwinter had a small volunteer tomato that had yet to blossom. We kind of ignored it, and while we watered the pot, we eventually forgot about the tomato and figured it had just withered and died in the cold, not-too-well-lit basement.

Then come spring when we tried taking the herb pot back out to the patio, we realized the volunteer tomato hadn't died, it had just gotten really tall and scraggly and wrapped itself around the plant light, poor thing.

We unraveled it, stuck the pot back outside and figured the shock of relocation would finally do in the plant and then we'd yank it out. Nope. It still looks pathetic and is using a sturdy basil plant as support, but we just harvested two little red tomatoes from it. I love food with a backstory.

Also fun in this year's garden: purple peas. Sure, they're the same green color inside, but they look pretty on the vines, have pretty purple blossoms and are easier to harvest because they standout against the green vines.

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