Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christmas confetti cookies

Wouldn't it be ironic if Santa was lactose intolerant? Maybe beer and cookies would be a better option, but it would probably make navigating chimneys even more hazardous.

This afternoon I discovered a cookie gap in the box I was preparing for Dave's family. So I went with the current Pinterest darling, the confetti cookie. For some reason I had Christmas sprinkles on hand, so in another case of production for use gone awry, this happened.

I used this recipe from Smitten Kitchen, making a half batch because that's all the sprinkles and patience I had. So now I'm up to 10 kinds of cookies and the need for a 12-step program.

Rating: These make excellent kid cookies. It's a nice tender sugar cookie laced with those inherently disgusting sprinkles and they're relentlessly cheerful looking. Plus, they go well with beer, or maybe beer makes them better. Merry Christmas to one and all.

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