Sunday, May 1, 2016

Pink martini

Had to. Googling pink martini recipe is the most natural thing in the world during intermission at a Pink Martini concert. Well that and Mamie Van Doren, but you had to be there for that. Enough said that if you have a chance to catch them in concert, do so. And kudos to the woman in pink sequins who led the congo line through the usually staid aisles of Orchestra Hall.

Pink Martini

2 parts vodka
1 part dry vermouth
4 dashes orange bitters
2 teaspoons Grenadine

Shake with ice in a shaker. Pour into glass.

This really was pink, if my lighting didn't stink, but I didn't want to wait that long to light it properly. And it's not just pretty, it's pretty tasty.

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