Sunday, January 3, 2016

Limoncello Prosecco or Champagne cocktail

Why not just drink bubbly, or just limoncello? Well, yes, there’s nothing wrong with either of those options. But I was curious what combining two of my favorite things would be like. And since we’ve had that bottle lurking in the refrigerator for quite some time, it’s time it came out to play. Plus I made way too much limoncello this holiday season.

Prosecco Limoncello cocktail
Adapted from the

8 strips lemon peel (or more)
16 tablespoons limoncello
4 teaspoons fresh lemon juice
1 bottle Prosecco or other sparkling wine like Champagne
Lemon slice and sugar for optional sugared rim

If you want a sugared rim for effect, rub a cut lemon around the rim of the champagne glass or flute and then dip it in sugar.

To each of 8 glasses, add a strip (or more) of lemon peel, 2 tablespoons limoncello, ½ teaspoon lemon juice and fill up with Prosecco. Sit back and watch the lemon zest bounce.

Rating: The recipe originally called for half the amount of limoncello, but it was scarcely noticeable at that level. We tried a second one and doubled the amount and decided that was the sweet spot. It’s less boozy than just drinking straight limoncello and adds a nice touch of lemon to the Prosecco. Plus, it’s just fun to watch the lemon zest go for a ride.

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