Monday, August 31, 2015

Hot caprese dip and baked tortilla chips

Sometimes the recipe you think is going to be fantastic turns out to be an epic fail and the throw-away recipe turns out to be a keeper. That was the case with this quick dip, which seemed like a total no brainer: all the basic parts of a caprese salad heated up in dip form. What could be better? Well, almost anything as it turns out. I carefully made sure  not to have juice from the tomatoes, since the recipe said that made things soupy. But this quickly turned back into just rubbery cheese with tomatoes clumped around it. I should have stopped at the stage where the ingredients were all mixed up, drizzled some balsamic and oil on top and put that on the chips. Lesson learned.

But all was not lost. I’d looked around for something to serve this last-minute dip idea with, but was out of suitable bread. Since I had some corn tortillas in the fridge that got a little on the soggy side, I figured I’d finally try making tortilla chips. I cut them up into wedges, sprinkled them with coarse salt and garlic powder and baked them for 14 minutes at 350. Why have I not done this before? These are so awesome compared to those things in a bag and this way you get just the amount you need, plus you can flavor them however you want.

Hot Caprese Dip

Combine 8 ounces cubed fresh mozzarella, 2 chopped roma tomatoes (drained of juice)and 2 tablespoons chopped fresh basil in a baking dish. Bake at 375 for 15 minutes. 

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