Monday, June 23, 2014

Packing the cooler for the cabin

The brand of tea available this morning at the restaurant was called Rituals, a highly appropriate name as we indulged in one of our favorites. Breakfast in the revolving restaurant atop the Duluth Radisson is the way we traditionally start Mondays of our vacation, with a serene, slow spin around the skyline enjoying French toast (me) and steak and eggs (the birthday boy).

Another time-honored ritual is the provisioning of a 40-quarter cooler full of goodies to sustain us during our week of therapy in Cottage 1. To get ready, I make up freezer scones, deviled eggs, mixed fresh fruit and a red cabbage carrot slaw with rice wine vinegar. Those go into the freezer along with homemade dill pickles, hot tomato chutney, some roasted garlic, frozen soups I put up last fall, homemade ice cream, strawberries from the farmers market, a few adult beverages and assorted other ingredients for a nice time.

To liven up our sandwiches, I made some quick refrigerator pickles by slicing some red onion and letting it steep in some leftover garlic-hot pepper-flavored dill pickle brine. Also on hand to bring the sandwiches to Dagwoodish-standards: I whirred up some Ranch dressing, sun-dried tomatoes and mayonnaise in the food processor to make a flavorful spread.

We swung by Northern Waters Smokehaus on the way out of town to get some pancetta and smoked salmon with dill for further inspiration. Sure, we'll hit some of the restaurants while we're up here, but with a view like this one out the window, it's time to head outside and grill some veggies and chicken to go over some pasta.

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