Friday, May 1, 2020

Vegetarian chowder

Happy May Day. Soup might seem an incongruous choice, but it's Minnesota and the middle of a pandemic where we need something I can make ahead for lunch while working from home. Preferably something that uses ingredients on hand or easy to come by.

It's also a Bandcamp Friday, where you can boost the impact of your music purchase to help artists who currently aren't able to get revenue from performances. On the first Friday of May, June and July, Bandcamp is waiving its portion of the revenue share so artists get a bigger cut. It's a great way to show your support for your favorite artists, learn about some new ones and get some new tunes in your house to boost your spirit. You can check out local musicians performing in the Star Tribune's weekly listing of virtual events.

Vegetarian Chowder
Adapted from "Autumn Harvest Chowder," by Mary Carroll as published in the Star Tribune in 2001. Serves 6 reasonably well.

2 tablespoons olive oil
½ cup chopped onions
2 cups cubed red potatoes (I like to peel ¾ of them but leave skins on the rest for color and texture contrast)
½ cup chopped celery
4 cups broth
Dash dried thyme
1 (28-oz.) can stewed tomatoes
1 cup cooked corn kernels
1 teaspoon
1 cup milk
½ cup cream
1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley

In large heavy pot, heat oil over medium-high heat. Add onions and cook5 minutes or until softened but not browned.

Add potatoes and celery and cook 3 minutes. Add broth and thyme and bring to boil. Simmer, covered, for 15 minutes. Add tomatoes (including juice) and corn and simmer about 20 minutes. Season to taste with salt and pepper. Stir in milk and cream. Sprinkle with parsley and heat through.

Rating: Fine enough interpretation of a chowder minus the usual protein component. Adaptable to whatever you have on hand. I've made this a few times now, usually when that's what the pantry offers.If you want to make it vegan, oat milk is a logical substitute, although I haven't tried that variation yet.

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