Saturday, May 13, 2017

Drink and a nosh: Grapefruit tarragon gin and tonic, radish chive toasts

I ran across a buzzfeed post on 22 gin and tonics that will blow your mind. That smacked not only of hyperbole, but I was more than a tad skeptical, because let's face it: A simple gin and tonic is simply divine, and the ultimate reason for the advice: Keep it simple, stupid. But I had some ruby red grapefruit that needed using and I love tarragon, so I thought I'd give this a try.

Grapefruit tarragon gin and tonic
From Proper Tasty

1 tablespoon demerara sugar
2 sprigs tarragon, divided
½ ruby red grapefruit, plus wedge for garnish
1½ ounces gin
Tonic water

Put sugar and 1 tarragon sprig in a glass. Juice half a grapefruit and strain into glass. Muddle the mixture together.

Add the shot of gin. Fill glass with ice, then top with tonic water. Garnish with remaining tarragon sprig and grapefruit wedge.

Rating: Wondrous. Gin and tarragon are made to go together. I’d been feeling a little bit like I was coming down with something but this acted, well, like a tonic. (True, it was a short-lived rebound before I got truly sick with a stupid cold, but still, a welcome respite.) Very repeatable. Maybe tampering with a gin and tonic isn't blasphemy after all.

Radish chive tea sandwiches with sesame and ginger

16 slices French bread
4 tablespoons butter, room temperature
2 tablespoons chives, divided
¾ teaspoon chopped fresh ginger
¼ teaspoon toasted sesame oil
10 small radishes, thinly sliced
Coarse salt

Toast bread slices briefly. Let cool.

Combine butter, 1 tablespoon chives, ginger and sesame oil in a small bowl. If using unsalted butter, season to taste with salt.

Spread mixture on bread toasts. Top with radish slices and sprinkle with remaining chives and coarse salt.

Rating: Very nice. It's a combination I couldn't have fathomed being willing to eat as a child, when I disliked radishes, but it works quite well. An excellent spring appetizer made with some adorable little radishes we got at the farmers market.  None of those oversized, woody supermarket offerings that make people legitimately dislike radishes.


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