Saturday, May 6, 2017

Derby cocktail

I grew up horse crazy, and the first Saturday of May would always find me glued to the tube to watch the horses run. But I've moved on from the days of being able to recite stats about Riva Ridge and Secretariat, and I'm not the Derby party throwing type. But for old-time's stake, here's a drink in honor of today's race.


2 ounces bourbon
¼ ounce Benedictine
1 dash angostura bitters
1 lemon twist, for garnish

Stir bourbon, Benedictine and bitters over ice. Strain into a cocktail glass and garnish with lemon twist.

Rating: It's basically gilded bourbon. So as long as you use good bourbon, and believe there is such a thing, then this one works. Or you could just drink the bourbon.

Today's installment is a drink sans nosh. I intended to make these little mini Derby tartlets. But I didn't find mini phyllo shells at the store, and decided to take that as a sign and get out and enjoy the day. We were rewarded with scented drifts from the spring-flowering trees, a glimpse of a canoe flotilla floating briskly downstream with ducks sedately in its wake, and a perfectly framed scene from a bench at the lake: four sailboats fanned out across the horizon, two paddleboats, two ducks closer to shore, the archetype backdrop for the fish jump-plop in the foreground. 

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