Sunday, December 18, 2016

9 cookies waiting ...

Nine kinds of cookies, that is. They're all wedged in the freezer after our family holiday gathering got postponed after we wimped out in the face of the dire forecast.

Each year I make a core group of must-make cookies, from old family favorites to new family favorites, rotating in a few also-rans. I also try at least one new recipe each year, with the inherent danger that I might create a new must-make cookie.

This year I've tried two new ones so far. I say so far because technically I've now got more time to bake, but a lack of freezer space should work to keep my overkill tendencies in check.

The cookies above are ones I haven't made before, although I've sampled them when others have baked them. They're a previous winner of the Taste cookie contest that I've always intended to get around to and never quite did. Have to work on my food styling, but they've got merit. You can find the recipe for these Orange-Chocolate cookies here. You can look for your new family favorite cookie in the Cookie Finder here.

Now for a true Christmas miracle I have to figure out how to wedge a giant ham in the freezer too ...

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