Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Zucchini salad with feta, tomato and olives

I confess that in the height of my low-carb campaign, I broke down and bought a spiralizer. That's one of those handy things that make quick work of turning zucchini into zoodles. What are zoodles? Long thin, spaghetti-like cuts of zucchini or other tender squash. What are they not? Spaghetti. Make no mistake about that. Zoodles, or spaghetti squash, make a rotten substitute for actual gluten-laden pasta that slurps up delicious sauces.

That doesn't mean zoodles can't be tasty. You just have to come to peace with what they're not or you'll wind up pissed off at the universe that you can't/shouldn't be eating pasta.

Since I've eased off a bit on my rigid low-carb regime, I was looking for some way to use my spiralizer that didn't make me resentful. This salad with its zippy dressing is a perfectly fine way to enjoy curly bits of zucchini without howling at the moon.

Greek zucchini salad
Inspired by the Garlicky Greek Salad I've made for years from the October 1994 Bon Appetit.

3 zucchini or summer squash, ends trimmed
½ cup pitted Kalamata olives
½ cup crumbled feta cheese
½ cup cherry or grape tomatoes, halved
2 tablespoons lemon juice
2 teaspoons red wine vinegar
1 tablespoon chopped garlic
6 tablespoons olive oil

Cut zucchini into thin strips by whatever means you have at hand. A spiralizer is really handy, but not essential. (A peeler or hand-held cutter works, but it takes a while and you really need to watch out that you don't take off your fingers.) Toss zucchini ribbons with olives, feta and tomatoes.

Mix together lemon juice, vinegar and garlic. Add olive oil in a thin stream and whisk until emulsified. Toss with zucchini ribbons.

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