Sunday, September 18, 2016

Singapore sling mocktail

Somewhere in the attic, there's a piece of paper scrawled with the words "Singapore Slings, with love, from Guam." This obscure sign was among those those taped on the walls of our dorm hall in a silent raid, back when that phrase had nothing to do with illegal immigrants. How it was that young males thought silently plastering the hallways of a girls dorm with signs would get them to come to a party, I don't know, although in my case it actually might have worked.

Tastes change over time, but in college years the fruity, slightly sweet Singapore Sling was something I enjoyed. It was still legal to have mixed-drink mixers in dorms, and most women viewed that as a step above keg parties, this being eons before craft beer proliferated. So that sign may well have tipped the balance to get me to show up. For the record, the Singapore Sling I had that night was really pretty nasty. But I married the guy who mixed it anyway. Oh, and the from Guam part turned out to be his roommate, Pido.

Anyway, nostalgia was enough to make me pause to consider this recipe for a PG-13 Singapore Sling. Because sometimes a mixture involving four kinds of alcohol isn't what the doctor ordered.

PG-13 Singapore Sling
Adapted from Bon Appetit, August 2013


 ¾ cup pomegranate juice
½ cup mango juice
½ cup pineapple juice
2 tablespoons fresh lime juice
Tonic water, ice

Combine juices in an ice-filled pitcher. Pour among Collins glasses filled with ice, adding 2 to 3 ounces tonic water to each. Garnish with lemon balm, mint or pineapple sage, if desired. 

Rating: This doesn't taste, or look, remotely like a traditional Singapore Sling, but it is refreshing. And it's a lot better than the nasty one someone made me back in dorm days.

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