Thursday, December 3, 2015

Curried cheese ball with mango chutney

When I was growing up, the cheese ball was a standing holiday punchline in our family, much like fruit cake is among others. Each year a family friend gave us a blue-cheese-laden concoction of improbable colors and not the most appealing smell. Since at the time, most of us kids hadn't developed a taste for the blue stuff, my dad was the only one who would eat it, and even he didn't seem to relish that particular interpretation.

But as an adult, I've come around to the cheese ball having a place at the table. This recipe is a sneaker: It's not the lookiest, but if you get guests to try it, they won't move away from that spot on the appetizer buffet table.


Chutney curry cheese ball
This recipe comes from my esteemed coworker Tom. Not sure where he got it from, but it's a keeper.

8 ounce package cream cheese, softened
2 tablespoons sour cream
2 teaspoons curry powder
½ cup raisins (I usually use golden)
½ cup green onion
½ cup chopped nuts (recipe called for dry roasted peanuts; I often use pecans. Cashews and toasted pine nuts also work. I've even left out the nuts to make it more allergy-friendly.)
Mango chutney

Mix cream cheese, sour cream and curry powder together until smooth. Mix in raisins, onion and nuts. Form into a ball and chill. Cover with desired amount of chutney before serving.

Note: I usually try to transfer it onto a serving plate and cover it before chilling it, one big enough to surround the ball with crackers. Otherwise you may need to soften it just a tad before trying to transfer it. And it's harder for guest to get at if it's in a bowl. I've also divided it in two so I can have a new one to whip out later in the evening for new arrivals or a second table.

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