Saturday, November 7, 2015

Philly chicken sandwiches

My fall weekends tend to start the same way: making broth. Either I let it simmer in the crockpot all day Friday or set it to start overnight Friday and deal with it Saturday morning. All those fall veggies cry out to be used up in soups, and the sooner I turn them into soups stowed in the freezer, the sooner some sense of sanity can return to my refrigerator space. (Of course this sets up a collision course in the freezer section of my home, where Christmas cookies will war with kale soups, but that's another food dilemma for another day. Remember, I schedule my panics.)

So before soup comes broth. But then, if I'm making chicken broth, I have the side benefit/obligation of cooked chicken to use. Overall this is a good thing, but I'm starting to notice packages of cooked chicken eating into the freezer space I need for soups, so random acts of chicken recipes ensue.

This one barely counts as a recipe. It's ludicrously easy, but ridiculously tasty, so I thought I'd share:


1 tablespoon olive oil
1 garlic clove, thinly sliced
1/2 small red onion, sliced
1 cup sliced peppers, a mix of red and yellow is pretty and tasty, but any bell peppers will do
3 cups cooked chicken (a rotisserie chicken would be a fine source, too)
3 tablespoons sliced pickled jalapenos
3 slices provolone
3 Kaiser rolls or sub rolls of your choice

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. In large skillet, heat olive oil. Add garlic and cook about a minute until it's starting to sizzle and has flavored the oil. Add red onion and cook for a few minutes, then add red peppers and cook until they're almost softened but still have just a bit of bite to them. Stir in chicken and cook until heated through.

Slice open rolls and spread with mayonnaise, if desired. Place on baking sheet. Divide mixture evenly among rolls. Top with jalapenos and then provolone slices. Replace roll tops. Bake at 350 for 5 minutes or until cheese is melted.

Source: Somehow the idea of a chicken version of a Philly sandwich occurred to me, so I went wandering around the Internet looking at a bunch of recipes, taking the parts I liked from various versions, since lots of people had thought of this before me. I'd say the final product owes the most to the variation on

Oh, and that pickle? That's from Hazelwood Creek Farm. If you ever run across them at the Midtown Farmers Market, treat yourself.

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