Thursday, November 26, 2015

Brussels sprouts with bacon, bourbon and honey mustard

Among the many things I'm thankful for today, not being on a long car trip on iffy roads is high up there. We were scheduled spend the day with family, and while it would have been nice to see them, the very colorful weather map showing blue, pink, green and yellow all clustered along our path gave us pause. Watching the snowfall from inside the house was a much better plan.

That of course meant Plan B in the kitchen, since obviously I didn't have a turkey thawing just in case and no grocery stores are open in Minnesota on food holidays. But a nice roast chicken was a lovely substitute, and I had some cranberries on hand to make my favorite chutney. Because it was just the two of us to please, I opted to try a new recipe for Brussels sprouts. This was one of a slew of recipes compiled into an over-the-top all Bourbon-laced Thanksgiving menu (thanks for sharing, Rebekah), and it seemed just the antidote needed.

Brussels sprouts with bacon, bourbon and mustard

1 pound Brussels sprouts, trimmed and halved lengthwise
4 slices slab bacon, but into small chunks
¼ cup bourbon
1 tablespoon honey mustard

Cook bacon in a skillet until crispy. Remove from pan. In rendered fat, brown Brussels sprouts. Add a small amount of water, cover and cook until sprouts are nearly as tender as you want. Mix bourbon and honey. Add to pan. Toss to combine and cook uncovered until sprouts are tender and sauce has formed. Season with salt and pepper.

Rating: Really? With bacon AND bourbon? How can it not be tasty? I barely waited long enough to take the photo before we gobbled them up.

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