Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Tarragon couscous red lentil salad


Soup and salad weather goes on a long time in Minnesota. This is a good make-ahead option for a weekday lunch.

Tarragon couscous salad
From “Whole Grains” by Betty Crocker. The recipe called for whole wheat couscous, but that isn't readily available at stores where I shop, and I wasn't about to venture further on ice-rutted roads to go looking for it. The recipe suggested that if you didn't like tarragon -- and I understand there are some of you out there -- that you could just add more parsley.

3cup water, divided
½ cup red lentils
1 cup couscous
3 tablespoons plus 2 teaspoons olive oil, divided
1 teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons seasoned rice vinegar
1 teaspoon Dijon mustard
1 garlic clove, chopped
1 carrot, chopped finely
4 green onions, chopped
¼ cup chopped walnuts, toasted
2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
1 tablespoon chopped fresh tarragon

In a medium saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Add lentils, reduce heat to a simmer and cook until lentils are just tender, about 10 to 15 minutes. Cool and drain into a large serving bowl.

Meanwhile, in a small saucepan, bring remaining 1cup water to a boil along with 2 teaspoons olive oil and the salt. Add couscous, remove from heat and let sit for 5 minutes with the lid on. Fluff with a fork and cool. Add to lentils in serving bowl.

Mix remaining 3 tablespoons of olive oil, rice wine vinegar, mustard and garlic in a small bowl. Toss with lentils and couscous. Stir in carrot, onions, walnuts, parsley and tarragon.

Rating: This would make good picnic fare. Can be made ahead and not much in it that's going to go bad if it's at room temperature for some time. Made of lots of things you're likely to have on hand, except possibly the tarragon.  Nice mix of texture with the soft base and crunchy add-ins. Reasonably filling as a main course when paired with a cup of creamy soup. When made ahead, I'd suggest upping the dressing ingredients a bit as the couscous absorbs it as it sits.

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