Monday, July 26, 2021

Cauliflower potato salad


This is one of those recipes that I decided to try anyway. While I have nothing against cauliflower being pressed into service as fauxtatoes or a pasta stand-in, at some point the business of twisting things into something they are not (zoodles, etc.) gets a little tiresome. After all, there was nothing wrong with cauliflower hanging out with its veggie friends at the dip bar.

But the recipe called for fresh dill and dill pickles, and I had a certain amount of both that need using.

Cauliflower potato salad

From “Keto BBQ” by Faith Gorsky and Lara Clevenger, as published in the Star Tribune’s Sunday Supper feature.

3 cups cauliflower florets (about 1 smallish head)
6 tablespoons mayonnaise
½ cup minced red onion
2 tablespoons finely chopped dill pickles
1 teaspoon yellow mustard
1 teaspoon onion powder
1 teaspoon garlic powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
¼ teaspoon paprika
2 hard cooked eggs, peeled and chopped
2 tablespoons chopped fresh dill

Put cauliflower florets in a medium sauce pan covered with a few inches of water. Bring to a boil and simmer about 5 minutes until fork tender. Drain and set aside to cool.

Combine mayo, onion, pickles, mustard, onion and garlic powders, salt, pepper and paprika in a medium bowl. Stir in cooled cauliflower, eggs and dill. Chill until ready to eat. Serves 6-ish.

Rating: It turns out that if you put a cooked white starchy vegetable into a potato salad dressing with the usual ingredients, it turns out tasting like potato salad, and in this case, not a bad one. It’s faster to cook the cauliflower than the potatoes, and there’s no peeling involved, so that’s a plus. It’s a slightly different texture, but that’s not a bad thing, since potato salad can get a tad leaden. I won’t turn my back on potato salad, but this little number has some merit.

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