Monday, April 26, 2021

Butternut squash ravioli with pancetta and vermouth sage cream sauce


 This isn't really a recipe, and thus I didn't intend to post anything about it. But Dave snapped a picture with his phone because he was in love with it, probably because he was the one who picked the sage blossoms for garnish when I sent him to the basement for fresh sage leaves.

It was a I-don't-feel-it evening in the kitchen, so I sauteed some red onions along with a few ounces of chopped pancetta until softened and browned, tossed in some vermouth, cream, salt and fresh sage leaves and put that sauce over some purchased butternut squash ravioli. I sprinkled some chopped fresh tomatoes and more sage leaves over the top.

If I had actually made the squash ravioli, I would have been pretty pleased with myself. As it was, I was pleased to expend minimal effort for an otherwise quite passable meal.If I'd been presented with it as takeout, I would have been fine with it. 

But I bet there wouldn't have been the sage blossom garnish. Can't wait until I can liberate that plant from the basement along with all of its herby friends.

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