Sunday, November 15, 2020

Curried sweet potato soup

 Never do I adore past self more than when I heat up soup for two for a quick lunch on a cold workday at home. And never is advance prep more rewarded than when it comes to soups.

Like so many soups, this one definitely benefits from being made ahead so the flavors have time to fully develop. When I tasted this one for seasoning purposes right after I first made it, I put it in that burgeoning category of recipes that qualify as perfectly fine, but ones that don't necessarily need to be made again.

Then I reheated it for lunch today. The keeper pile just got deeper.

Note: This recipe contains peanut butter, which makes a very nice flavor component, but I think tahini would be a quite workable substitute if allergies are an issue.

Curried sweet potato soup

Adapted from Meredith Deeds, published in the Star Tribune Taste section

1 tablespoon olive oil
1 medium onion, chopped
2 pounds sweet potatoes
2 large garlic cloves, chopped
1 tablespoon grated fresh ginger or ginger paste
1 tablespoon curry powder
½ teaspoon salt
¼ teaspoon pepper
¼ teaspoon crushed red pepper flakes
3 cups broth
1 (15-ounce) can unsweetened coconut milk
⅓ cup creamy peanut butter
1 tablespoon fresh lime juice
1 tablespoon brown sugar
Optional garnishes: cilantro, plain yogurt, chopped peanuts, lime zest


Heat oil in a large Dutch oven over medium low heat. Add onions and cook until softened, stirring as needed.

Meanwhile, peel sweet potatoes and chop into pieces no more than 1-inch big.

When onions are softened, add garlic, ginger and curry powder and cook 1 minute. Stir in salt, pepper and red pepper flakes. Add sweet potatoes and broth and bring to a simmer. Cook covered until sweet potatoes are tender, about 20 to 25 minutes.  Stir in coconut milk and peanut butter and let cool slightly.

Blend soup in a blender or food processor once it’s cool enough to safely process. Return to pot and add lime juice and brown sugar and heat through. Adjust seasoning as needed. Serve with optional garnishes as desired. (We opted for just cilantro, which worked well.)

Rating: Soothing, creamy warmth. Perfectly balanced, with different notes that hit you with each mouthful, from the ginger to the curry and the very subtle red pepper flakes. 

It made part of a perfectly delightful lunch with chutney chicken salad sandwiches made with the chicken leftover from making broth overnight. For that next make-ahead soup. Again, thank you past self, and Ms. Deeds for a nice recipe.

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