Saturday, October 24, 2020

Winter flowers

 Fall was pretty at our house, what there was of it. Bee-thronged wild asters and sedum were the main attraction, but it was a good fall color show throughout the neighborhood on our post-work walks. 

Sadly, I didn't get around to taking any pictures before 9 inches of snow put an abrupt end to fall. Much of the snow has melted, but it's still wintry and our plants are icicle fodder.

Our Henri clematis put out another cloud of blooms and buds just before we got clobbered with snow. Some of the blooms still look pristine, just encased in ice as if frozen in a time to which we wish we could go back.

But the sturdy kale just shrugged off the snow, so we're still in harvest mode.

When the bush is dripping ice, you just have to imagine next summer's blueberries.


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