Monday, July 27, 2020

Overnight blueberry streusel coffee cake


I have this memory of there being some place or cookbook called Blueberry Mornings. Maybe in Two Harbors? Can't find any reference to it, and it would make a great cookbook title. 

It's also a good describer of our week Up North, which started and ended with blueberry-stuffed breakfasts. I hadn't exactly intended that when I set out to prep cabin breakfasts, but it being blueberry season both in my yard and at the farmers market, it just happened that way.

I made this recipe to have in the morning before our long, non-stop, intensely socially distant drive, and to reheat up on the final day of our stay so we had time for a walk down Croftville Road before leaving. I'm a fan of sour cream coffee cakes and overnight cakes, so I went looking for a recipe that incorporated blueberries. The touch of whole wheat intrigued me to try this one.

Overnight blueberry streusel coffee cake
Adapted from, which naturally used low-fat versions of everything.

1 cup plus 6 tablespoons cake flour, divided
1 cup whole wheat pastry flour (or more cake flour)
1¼ cups sugar, divided
2½ teaspoons baking powder
¾ teaspoon salt
3 tablespoons canola oil
5 tablespoons sour cream, divided
¾ cup milk
1 large egg
2 cups fresh (or frozen) blueberries
¾ teaspoon cinnamon
2 tablespoons butter

Grease a 9-by-9 pan.

Mix 1 cup cake flour, whole wheat pastry flour, ¾ cup sugar, baking powder and salt in a large bowl. Mix oil, 3 tablespoons sour cream, milk and egg. Beat wet ingredients into dry for about 30 seconds until blended. Fold in blueberries and spread into prepared pan.

In a separate bowl, combine 6 tablespoons cake flour, 3/4 cup sugar, cinnamon, butter and 2 tablespoons sour cream. Mix with pastry blender until blended into crumbs. Sprinkle over cake batter. Cover dish tightly and refrigerate overnight.

When ready to bake, preheat oven to 375, uncover cake and bake about 45 minutes until cake tests done.

Rating: The whole wheat doesn't drag down the texture too much, so it's still pretty moist. It was perfectly fine, but not quite as sumptuous as cakes heavier on the sour cream side, so I might keep looking for my perfect overnight blueberry coffee cake. But waking up to this at bookends of the vacation was just fine.

Also more than fine: blueberry turnovers, and I made one of my favorite scones with blueberries instead of cranberries. Fabulous. Both of them bake straight from the freezer so you don't have to decide/remember to thaw the night before. All that and a view of kayakers, paddle boarders, hummingbirds at the feeder and the odd biplane. And time for that walk:


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