Sunday, June 4, 2017

Rhubarb buttermilk coffee cake

This recipe had everything going for it in my opinion: rhubarb, buttermilk, lots of butter and a cobbler type topping.

But I'll save the recipe for another day, when I've taken another stab at it. I made it as written from a blogger who adapted it from Mollie Katzen. This blog post is really just a reminder to myself to revisit it another day to see if I can make it into something worth repeating. It made a nice moist cake for Sunday breakfast, but it didn't have quite the tang I usually associate with buttermilk, and the most criminal part of all: You really can't taste the rhubarb, so what really is the point?

I guess if I loved every new recipe I tried, I'd run out of time in my life to repeat them.

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