Sunday, April 30, 2017

Smoked salmon hash


The premise of hash is more or less throwing what you've got in a pan, so I didn't feel too badly about having to improvise the ingredients in this recipe. It called for smoked trout, which I could get if I schlepped about a bit, but smoked salmon from the grocery store was handier. The smaller grocery store I was at didn't have mustard greens or chard, so I went with the arugula and watercress I already had at home. And it called for a poached egg and I opted for frying because I was running out of time and patience. It's well within the spirit of hash.

Smoked salmon hash with mustard greens
Adapted from Eating Well April/May 2006

2 tablespoons olive oil
1 pound precooked diced potatoes (look for them in the refrigerated section; I found them in the dairy aisle)
2 tablespoons grainy Dijon mustard
2 tablespoons cider vinegar
4 ounces smoked trout or salmon, flaked
4 cups chopped greens, such as mustard, chard, arugula or spinach
4 cooked eggs, optional

Heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add potatoes and cook, stirring now and then, until potatoes are crispy and browned.

Whisk mustard and vinegar together. Season with salt and pepper. Add to the potatoes in the pan along with salmon and greens. Cook until greens are wilted.

Top with a cooked egg, if desired. Since this is from Eating Well, they called for a poached egg.

Rating: Tasty. I'm sure mustard greens would have made it spicier, but this worked fine. A fast weeknight supper if you use those cheater potatoes I'd never realized existed, or if you have leftover potatoes lying around. We found the egg on top to be a nice touch, but it's entirely optional.

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