Monday, May 26, 2014

Pasta with tomatoes and anchovy butter

Pasta with tomatoes and anchovy butter

1 package fettucine
4 tablespoons butter
2 anchovy fillets
4 sliced garlic cloves
20 ounces tomatoes, chopped
Chopped herbs for garnish, such as parsley, basil or tarragon

Cook pasta according to package directions. Meanwhile, melt butter in large skillet. Cook anchovies and garlic until soft. Add tomatoes and salt and pepper and cook until tomatoes are collapsed, about 10 minutes. Toss with drained pasta and herbs.

Rating: Dave really liked this. I was somewhat lukewarm on it. Given how many recipes I have for tomato-based pasta, the threshold is pretty high. And it would have been better if it was really tomato season. But I had a partial jar of anchovies in need of using, so there you go.

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