Monday, April 14, 2014

Saffron couscous

Saffron couscous
Adapted from “The Best of Martha Stewart Living: What to Have for Dinner,” now available new for 94 cents in hardcover on Amazon closeout. Beats the $20 I shelled out for in paperback back when I was in the habit of buying every new book that Martha produced.

1½ cups couscous
1½ cups chicken stock
Pinch of saffron
2 teaspoons butter, optional
½ cup currants
3 green onions, chopped
½ cup oil-cured black olives, pitted and chopped
Note: If you can’t find oil-cured olives, omit them. Brine-cured olives are no substitute for the oil-cured versions that almost seem more like dried fruit in consistency.

Bring stock and saffron to a boil. Place couscous in a large, heat-tolerant bowl and pour boiling mixture over the top. Cover with a plate or foil and let sit for 10 minutes. Fluff with a fork, adding butter if desired. (I had some melted butter leftover from another dish, so it seemed like a sign, even though it didn’t seem entirely called for. Since it was salted butter, I didn’t add salt and that worked out about right, flavor-wise.) Stir in currants, green onions and olives. Salt and pepper to taste.

Rating: A very fast, very tasty side dish. Out of three new dishes that were part of Sunday night supper, this stood out. And the leftovers with some added chicken are working for Dave lunches. (I get yogurt, he gets savories. If only I too was willing to work out like a maniac.)

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